The Bavarian Illuminati and Hermes Trismegistus: Secret Societies

The world of secret societies has been shrouded in mystery for centuries, with many different groups claiming to be the original group from over two hundred years ago. What’s clear is that these organizations have been massively influential on our society as it stands today, but there are a few things we can’t seem to figure out about them.

What is the Bavarian Illuminati?

The Bavarian Illuminati was a secret society that was founded in 1775 with the aim of creating a better world. Many believe that they were responsible for both the French Revolution and the American Revolution, but it’s still unknown how true this is.

The group had considerable authority within Europe during their reign, although their real name was kept hidden from the public. It’s thought that the Illuminati was a branch of another secret society – the Freemasons.

The Bavarian government had outlawed all organizations that promoted liberal ideas such as freedom of thought or religion (including Freemasonry) in 1777, which gave rise to fears that they may have been acting under orders from Berlin.

When French Revolutionary troops overran much of Germany after defeating Austria in battle at Amberg in 1800, they abolished all state religions, including Christianity; this led many members of the dissolved order (now known as the Illuminati) to flee Bavaria.

A few years later, when Napoleon’s armies began their push towards Moscow in 1812, they were accompanied by Adam Weishaupt and another member of this secret society – a Russian occultist named Alexander Iwanowitsch Suschtschew (more commonly known as Professor Xaptschi).

Who was Hermes Trismegistus?

Part legend and part man, Hermes Trismegistus, was believed to have been a priest who lived somewhere between 2000BC and 1500 BC. He’s thought to be the founder of many secret societies, including the Freemasons and the Illuminati – although it’s unknown how much truth there is in this.

The reason why so little has ever come out about these societies is that they’ve been so good at keeping secrets. But with the internet and all of the information it provides, it’s becoming harder and harder for these groups to stay hidden from view.

We may never know the whole truth about what goes on in their meetings, but we can still be fascinated by their mystery.

One thing is sure, Hermes Trismegistus or the writing associated with him form the backbone of many of the secret societies that still exist to this day.

Why are the writings of Hermes Trismegistus essential to secret societies?

In what is known as ‘The Hermetic Texts,’ Hermes Trismegistus outlined several teachings that are said to be the foundation of all secret societies. These teachings revolve around the concepts of ‘As above, so below’ and ‘The great work.’

This means that the secrets held by these societies are thought to be the keys to understanding our world and the entire universe.

The writings of Hermes Trismegistus are also crucial to secret societies because they contain the foundational wisdom of our ancient arts and sciences.

Hermes is said to have been a divine messenger, or at least a sage man who imparted his knowledge to humanity. He was the author of many treatises on various subjects and composed an entire work called “The Emerald Tablet,” which has been considered by many authorities as the cornerstone of Western Hermeticism.

This tablet was thought by some early Christians to be a pagan document containing instructions for making gold; others believed it revealed secrets concerning creation or held magical powers that could be used for evil purposes (such as commanding spirits).

How did they influence society?

The Illuminati and other secret societies have been massively influential on our culture as it stands today. Some of their most notable contributions include:

– The French Revolution

– The American Revolution

– The founding of the United States of America

– The rise of the Freemasons

– The development of democracy

All of these events were hugely significant in shaping our world today, and it’s hard to imagine what it would be like without them.

The Illuminati influenced society by creating a secret organization with members from all walks of life, including artists and scientists. They used this network to spread their beliefs about the importance of equality and freedom for all people. The group also helped push for changes in law enforcement practices so that officers were better trained when interacting with citizens.

The goal was not just to change government policy but also to change how people think about themselves – changing their view of what it means to be “free” or “equal.”

They did this through education campaigns, teaching children about their natural rights from birth (rather than teaching children what is owed to them by society). This type of philosophy permeated throughout European culture during this period, leading towards greater social mobility later on.

What secrets do these societies still hold?

Even after this time, we still don’t know everything about secret societies. There are several secrets that they’re thought to hold which have never been revealed – including the identities of their members and their true intentions.

The Freemasons have been associated with famous historical figures such as George Washington and Benjamin Franklin. They are thought to have many secrets pertaining to symbols and rituals, and membership is highly coveted.

The Knights Templar was formed in the 1100s as a Christian military order and was eventually disbanded by King Phillip IV of France in 1307. It’s rumored that they had access to many ancient scrolls and documents that were lost forever once they

What we do know is that these societies have been around for a long time, and they’ve managed to stay hidden from view for the most part. It’s going to take something pretty significant to bring them out into the open, finally.

What do you think? Are secret societies a force for good or bad in the world? Let us know in the comments below!

What do we still not know about them?

There are many things that we still do not know about secret societies. For example, we do not know the full extent of their activities or the number of members they have. We also do not know the identities of all of their members or what exactly they are hiding.

We know that secret societies have been around for centuries and that they have played a role in some of the most critical events in history.

We also know that they have a lot of power and that they can keep their activities hidden from the public. This makes it challenging to learn more about them, but it also makes them a fascinating topic of study.

How can you join these organizations if you’re interested in doing so?

It’s not easy to join a secret society. You have to be initiated, and then it takes time for the members of that society to trust you.

Typically, initiation into any organization requires an oath or pledge (of secrecy) where those who are being initiated promise never to reveal anything they learn during their membership – even if they’re threatened with death or imprisonment for doing so.

That type of commitment is complex for most people these days because modern culture has eroded traditional values, and we’ve become accustomed to discussing things online without consequences.

The best advice is to conduct your research into secret societies and see what you can find out about them. While there isn’t much information in the public eye, it’s usually possible to learn something by looking online or asking around with people who might know more than you do.



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Seb Niel

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