Quantum Jumping=Hermeticism with Extra Steps

Quantum jumping is the idea we can jump into parallell realities. Don’t lie, we’ve all wondered if its possible to navigate? The technique of quantum jumping itself is a rather new age concept. Well I mean its just hyper focused imagination. Mind you as well, this technique has garned a rather popular cult recruitment techniques like every spiritual journey and teaching.

What I find fascinating, however, is a seeming interplay by what I understand as hermetic mentalism and the principle of transmutation in employing this technique.

This technique, which has gained popularity in recent years, claims to allow individuals to shift consciousness and tap into parallel realities. But here’s the intriguing part – what if I told you that Quantum Jumping is essentially a modern take on an ancient wisdom known as Hermeticism? Yes, you heard it right. It seems that this shortcut to wisdom might just be rooted in an age-old tradition.

Key Takeaways:

  • Quantum Jumping is a technique that enables individuals to navigate parallel realities.
  • Hermeticism is an ancient wisdom that emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things and the existence of multiple realities.
  • Quantum Jumping serves as a shortcut to the wisdom contained within Hermetic teachings.
  • Both Quantum Jumping and Hermeticism involve the power of visualization and intention to access parallel realities.
  • Understanding the link between Quantum Jumping and Hermeticism can enhance our understanding and appreciation of this transformative practice.

Quantum Jumping just A Modern Take on Ancient Wisdom

My exploration of Quantum Jumping led me to delve into the intriguing world of Hermetic visualization. This ancient technique, rooted in the principles of Hermeticism, involves harnessing the power of vivid imagery and sensory details to immerse oneself in a desired reality.

My first experience with Hermetic Visualization

It started with the fat man who dropped a copy of initiation into hermetics into my email.

During my journey, I began practicing Hermetic visualization exercises and was captivated by the results. By tapping into the power of my imagination, I was able to create a clear mental picture of the reality I wished to manifest through Quantum Jumping.

The process involved visualizing every intricate detail, from the sights and sounds to the tactile sensations, bringing my desired reality to life in my mind’s eye. This hyper-real visualization technique allowed me to more effectively align myself with the parallel realities I sought to explore.

Burt Goldman’s Quantum Jumping vs Initiation into Hermetics

While Burt Goldman’s Quantum Jumping has gained popularity as a modern approach to accessing parallel realities, it shares many similarities with the ancient teachings of Hermeticism. Both practices center around the power of visualization, intention, and connecting with multiple realms of existence.

Initiation into Hermetics, a comprehensive system developed by Franz Bardon, also emphasizes the significance of visualization in altering one’s consciousness and exploring different realities. Though they may differ in terminology and presentation, both Quantum Jumping and Initiation into Hermetics are rooted in the fundamental principles of hyper-real visualization techniques.

They are essentially just hyper-real Visualization techniques

When we examine the essence of Quantum Jumping and Hermetic visualization, we find that they are essentially interchangeable. Both practices guide us to harness the tremendous power of hyper-real visualization techniques to transform our realities and tap into a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.

By embracing Quantum Jumping as a modern take on ancient wisdom, we can unlock the vast potential of hermetic visualization and initiate ourselves into the transformative power of parallel realities.

Quantum Jumping: The Hermetic Pathway to Parallel Realities

I find it fascinating to explore the fundamentals of Quantum Jumping and its connection to the ancient wisdom of Hermeticism. Let’s delve into the core principles that make Quantum Jumping such a transformative practice.

Understanding the Fundamentals of Quantum Jumping

To truly grasp the power of Quantum Jumping, we must first understand its fundamental principles. At its core, Quantum Jumping is based on the concept of parallel realities. It postulates that there is an infinite number of realities existing simultaneously, each with its own unique set of possibilities and outcomes. By shifting our consciousness and aligning our thoughts and intentions with a desired reality, we have the ability to make a quantum leap into that reality and experience its manifestations in our physical lives.

This process requires a deep understanding of the connection between our thoughts, beliefs, and the realities we experience. Our thoughts and intentions act as the guiding force, allowing us to navigate through parallel realities and consciously choose the one that aligns with our desires.

Parallel Realities and Their Place in Hermetic Teachings

It is intriguing to note that the concept of parallel realities has long been a part of the teachings of Hermeticism. This ancient wisdom tradition, dating back to ancient Egypt, emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things and the existence of multiple dimensions of reality. Within the framework of Hermeticism, the notion of parallel realities is not just a hypothetical idea but an integral part of the cosmology. It acknowledges that our physical reality is just one of many possibilities and that we have the power to shift between them.

By recognizing the parallel realities described in Hermetic teachings, we gain a deeper appreciation for the profound wisdom contained within Quantum Jumping. It allows us to explore the vast potential of our existence and tap into the interconnected web of realities that shape our lives.

Burt Goldman and the Popularization of Quantum Jumping

No discussion of Quantum Jumping would be complete without mentioning Burt Goldman, the man behind its popularization. Burt Goldman, also known as “The American Monk,” is a renowned personal development teacher and author. He has been instrumental in bringing the practice of Quantum Jumping to a wider audience.

Through his teachings and programs, Burt Goldman has simplified the ancient techniques of Hermeticism and created a practical and accessible framework for anyone interested in exploring parallel realities. His approach combines visualization, meditation, and intention-setting, making it easy for individuals to grasp and apply the principles of Quantum Jumping in their everyday lives.

Thanks to Burt Goldman’s efforts, Quantum Jumping has become a household name in the field of personal development and has allowed countless individuals to unlock their full potential by tapping into parallel realities.

By understanding the fundamentals of Quantum Jumping, its connection to Hermeticism, and the work of Burt Goldman, we can truly appreciate the transformative power of this practice. It serves as a profound pathway to explore the interconnected nature of our existence and manifest our desires in ways we never thought possible.


In my exploration of the fascinating practice of Quantum Jumping, I have come to the undeniable realization that it is, in essence, a modern interpretation of the ancient wisdom of Hermeticism. While the language and presentation may differ, the underlying principles connecting the two are impossible to ignore. Quantum Jumping offers us a simplified and efficient pathway to tap into the profound insights and wisdom contained within Hermetic teachings. Through this practice, we can access parallel realities and manifest our desired outcomes.

Quantum Jumping serves as a remarkable shortcut to the transformative power of ancient wisdom. By embracing this practice as a way to connect with parallel realities, we open ourselves to a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. We have the opportunity to unlock our true potential and shape our lives in ways we may have never imagined.

So, let us boldly venture into the world of Quantum Jumping, utilizing its techniques to navigate the complex web of parallel realities. By doing so, we are not only embracing a modern approach to personal development but also tapping into the vast well of wisdom that has been passed down to us through the ages. Quantum Jumping is our key to unlocking the ancient secrets of the universe and crafting our own extraordinary reality.


What is Quantum Jumping?

Quantum Jumping is a technique that enables individuals to shift their consciousness and navigate parallel realities. It involves the use of visualization and intention to access desired outcomes and manifest them in one’s physical life.

How is Quantum Jumping related to Hermeticism?

Quantum Jumping is essentially a modern take on the ancient wisdom of Hermeticism. Both practices emphasize the interconnectedness of all things and the existence of multiple realities. Quantum Jumping serves as a shortcut to accessing the wisdom and knowledge contained within Hermetic teachings.

What is Hermetic Visualization?

Hermetic Visualization is a technique used in Quantum Jumping and Hermeticism. It involves creating clear mental images and sensory details to immerse oneself in a desired reality. By practicing visualization exercises, individuals can align themselves with their desired outcomes and manifest them in their physical lives.

How does Quantum Jumping differ from Initiation into Hermetics?

Quantum Jumping and Initiation into Hermetics are both techniques used to access parallel realities and manifest desired outcomes. However, Quantum Jumping offers a more streamlined and modern approach, focusing on visualization and intention, while Initiation into Hermetics involves a comprehensive study of Hermetic teachings and the mastery of various esoteric practices.

Are Quantum Jumping and Hermetic Visualization just hyper-real visualization techniques?

Yes, both Quantum Jumping and Hermetic Visualization can be considered as hyper-real visualization techniques. They involve creating vivid mental images and sensory details to immerse oneself in a desired reality, harnessing the power of the imagination to align with desired outcomes and manifest them in one’s physical life.

How do parallel realities fit into Hermetic teachings?

Parallel realities are a central concept in Hermetic teachings. Hermeticism posits that there exists an infinite number of parallel realities, each with its unique possibilities and outcomes. By aligning our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions with a desired reality, we can shift our consciousness and manifest that reality in our physical lives.


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