Is Hermeticism Evil?

The philosopher Hegel tried to downgrade the importance of hermeticism in history to its just importance for the thinkers’ faculty of thought. Hermeticism is of course a spiritual philosophy based on Hermes Trimegistus’ teachings. But is Hermeticism Evil?

In my opinion hermeticism is absolutely not evil. It is just a series of ancient teachings for life, there is no way that a system could be evil. It is people who are evil and not knowledge.

But if you want to know if Hermetics is evil learn about it more

If you want to ask yourself is Hermeticism evil than just judge for yourself. Basics of Hermeticism are as follows:

  1. We are on a spiritual quest to reconnect with the Divine/the Source/God. We must, however, aspire to the Almighty in order to finish that voyage. We have to desire it, picture it, and strive for it.
  2. Although there are several expressions of the Divine, there exists only one Divine.
  3. The Eternal is both transcendent and immanent. Everything is a part of it, and this is the link between what is above and what is below, within and outside. This rule states that our inner spiritual existence influences our external world and vice versa.
  4. The hermetic seeker starts off by reflecting on the universe’s secrets and views the world through a poetic lens.

There are several routes. The hermetic seeker travels many different spiritual lanes in search of bits of the Way. The rules of nature govern the cosmos. Apples squish. Flying birds. We exist. We die. But is Hermeticism evil? Well what is evil exactly?

If Hermeticism is evil then it will meet criteria of Evil

Image of the Devil
The embodiment of all evil.

Evil is often thought of as the absence or antithesis of good. Although it might be a fairly wide notion, it is frequently more specifically used to discuss great depravity and acts against the common good in daily language.

Hermeticism A philosophical philosophy that is largely based on the alleged teachings of Hermes Trismegistus is known as hermeticism or hermetism (a legendary Hellenistic combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth). strongly linked to the notion of a primordial, divine wisdom that was only given to the oldest of sages, like Hermes Trismegistus.

What are the goals of Hermeticism?

The goal of understanding these fundamental principles of hermeticism has brought together the wisest among us since the dawn of civilization. By understanding them, we may draw more joy, significance, and control from our lives in the limited time we have available to us.

These days, this ambition takes the form of the top shelf in the bookstore’s self-help and personal improvement aisles. However, over thousands of years ago, when same concepts and topics would have led to your execution for blasphemy and heresy, they certainly were couple

However, through efforts we are able to gain insight into our philosophical past and a once-proud heritage. This tradition helped us become more aware of the universe and our place in it, catalyzed the Italian creative renaissance, had an impact on the American revolutionaries, and is now prevalent in many of today’s personal development publications.

The Mystical Cosmogony of Hermeticism

The Mystical Cosmogony of Hermeticism

In Hermeticism, evil is not an objective force or thing. It is a matter of individual belief and perspective. From the Hermetic perspective, there is no such thing as an objective evil. What one person may deem as evil another may see as good. It all depends on one’s own personal beliefs and values.

The Hermetic Cosmogeny
The hermetic Cosmogony

Learning to Understand Forbidden Knowledge

The eye of Ra
The eye of Ra, the symbol of forbidden knowledge.

Some say that hermeticism is evil because it leads to a lack of understanding. But if we take the time to learn about hermeticism, we can see that it’s actually a deep and complex way of thought that can lead to a greater understanding of the world around us.

The Development of Punishment for Thought

Hermeticism, also known as the Middle Way, is a 3rd century BCE philosophical and religious system proposed by Hermes Trismegistus. It attempts to strike a balance between the extremes of pantheism and atheism, and teaches that the world is an orderly system created by God.

However, some people have accused Hermeticism of being evil because of its focus on punishment for thought. They believe that this focus leads people to commit terrible acts in order to avoid punishment.

Others argue that Hermeticism is not evil, but simply misunderstood. They believe that the focus on punishment is meant to encourage people to think critically about their actions and their impact on the world.

Read more about Hermetics Here:

  • The Kybalion

How Hermeticism is Perceived in Modern Society

Hermeticism is a school of thought that dates back to ancient Greece. It is based on the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, who was said to be a sage and philosopher who lived in Egypt. The Hermetic tradition teaches that there is a close relationship between the physical and spiritual worlds, and that humans have the ability to access this hidden knowledge through various methods, such as astrology, alchemy, and magic.

While Hermeticism is not as popular as it once was, it still has a significant impact on modern society. Some people see it as an evil force that leads people away from the truth, while others view it as a way to connect with the divine and understand the universe. Regardless of how it is perceived, Hermeticism continues to be an interesting and influential school of thought.

Understanding the Ego

The Garden of Eden and the Tree of Good and evil
The Garden of Eden and the tree of good and evil.

The ego is the part of our psyche that tells us we are separate from others and the world around us. It is the part of us that is focused on our own individual needs and goals. The ego can be a powerful force, helping us to set boundaries and achieve our goals. However, it can also lead to feelings of separation, isolation, and anxiety.

In order to understand hermeticism, it is important to first understand the ego. The ego is not inherently evil, but it can be when it is out of balance. When the ego is in control, it can lead to a state of separation from others and the world around us. In order to find balance, we must learn to control our egos and use them for good.

Can Hermeticism be Practiced by Catholics or Christians?

Hermeticism merely demands the belief in an Ultimate Being and everything that comes with an entity that is genuinely Supreme. Specifically, one holds that God follows the law of economy and chooses the “path of least resistance” and that God’s three main attributes—omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence—are necessary for God to be Supreme because otherwise, God could not exist in a state of absolute unification with all things.

There is nothing in Hermeticism that would keep Catholics from practicing it. In truth, there has been a hidden tradition throughout much of the history of the Church of monks studying Hermetism and putting its practical applications into practice. One such monastery is the Eastern Orthodox at Meteora in Greece. (For example, practicing spiritual inner work and laboratory alchemy to get closer to the divinity inside oneself.)

Is it even necessary though to Practice Hermetics if you are Christian?

We are asked to engage in the realm of mystery that is present in Catholicism. Would you think about practicing centering prayer or contemplation? Have you thought of reciting the rosary? Catholicism has a rich legacy of eucharistic rites like the Worship of the Eucharist. Catholic mystical literature is already available to you at a library.

Hermeticism is a mixture of myth and innovation. It seemed improbable that Hermes Trismegistus himself ever lived. In any event, the works that have been ascribed to him were created long after his purported death. The Church has, at best, a dim view of the system’s practical magic component. Alchemy, astrology, and other traditional traditions have all been proven to be false.

Some people believe that Hermeticism is evil because it encourages people to think for themselves and question everything. They see this as a dangerous way of thinking that can lead people astray from the truth. Other people believe that Hermeticism is a positive force because it encourages people to think critically and question authority. They see this as a empowering way of thinking that can lead people to greater understanding and wisdom.

At the end of the day, it is up to each individual to decide whether or not they believe Hermeticism is evil. There is no right or wrong answer.


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