Learn the Secret Flame Method of Self Love

At its essence, self-love is the audacious act of embracing your true eternal existence. Embrace it with all its imperfections, quirks, and eccentricities. I admit, this is quite a rebellious stance, namely against a society that CONSTANTLY peddles you this commiserating notion of inadequacy. This society that is urging you to buy into the idea that you must always strive to be more, do more, and have more.

I have news for you. In the face of such relentless pressure, the secret flame of self-love whispers, “You are enough as you are.”

So now, before you go dismiss this as just one of those naive feel-good mantras, let us metaphorically delve deeper.

Self-Love is Not these things

Self-love is often misunderstood. Here are five things that self-love is not about:

  1. Narcissism: Self-love does not mean preoccupation with yourself. It doesn’t at all mean you cultivate for yourself an inflated sense of over importance. Just have a generally healthy self-regard and respect for yourself. Stay far away from self-obsession. It actually has a negative effect.
  2. Ignoring Personal Growth: In the act of embracing the flame of self-love, it doesn’t mean that you will simply ignore your faults! It doesn’t give you permission to stop striving to be a better person in all possible ways. Simply stated, it is really about recognizing and accepting your imperfection, all the while still committing to a regime of personal development.
  3. Selfishness: having a strong love for oneself doesn’t mean disregarding the needs and feelings of others. The flame of self-love helps you find that balance. This is a balance where you can care for yourself all the while being considerate with a healthy nonjudgmental compassionate towards others.
  4. Avoiding Accountability: Self-love isn’t an excuse to throw your responsibilities down the drain or to the wind. Don’t ever think this is an excuse to avoid accountability for your actions. This involves recognizing when you’ve made a mistake, learning from it, and making amends when necessary.
  5. Materialism: Yes I know that treating yourself to your delights can be a part of self-care however self-love is not really about indulging in material goods. These are nice in reality but have a tendency to make us miserable. Nurture consumption which contributes to your mind, body, spirit and general well-being.

Self-Awareness: The First Spark

Your journey begins with self-awareness. Here is the initializing spark that ignites the flame of self-love. It takes you the effort of turning your gaze inward and becoming an observer of your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Observe without judgment or criticism. This practice of introspection reveals the multifaceted gem that you are, flaws and all. This practice is about recognizing that your so-called “imperfections” are not blemishes but brushstrokes in the grand masterpiece of your being.

Self-Acceptance: Embracing the Flame

Next on our list of this self-love journey towards self-awareness is self-acceptance. At this point of the journey, you need a butt kicking dose of courage. This is because you will gradually be embracing all aspects of yourself, this includes the ones that society has rigorously conditioned you to push outright reject. If you hide these aspects from yourself they will eventually find their way out in other forms.

So at this stage you are audaciously saying:

your self-acceptance

refrain from self-criticism. Remember, every great love story has its conflicts and challenges; this one you are having with yourself right now is no different.

Self-Compassion: Fueling the Fire

Have you ever experienced a time in your life when your friend was going through a difficult time? You were likely there right by their side to support them. This, in its essence, is the idea of self-compassion.

Take a brief second now, just bare with me and imagine treating yourself with this same kindness, understanding, and forgiveness that bestowed upon your dear dear friend.

Self-compassion means being directing the energy of gentleness with yourself during those difficult times of failure, disappointment, or pain. It’s strange that it is an energy we often reserve for others but rarely direct towards ourselves. I really think this method is like the kindling that heals wounds and fuels the fire of self-love, allowing it to burn ever so brighter.

Self-Expression: The Dance of the Flames

Now we come to my favorite part of this journey, and that is self-expression. Truly, creativity is a kind of freedom. It is a freedom to express your thoughts, feelings, and desires authentically, unapologetically and without judgment. This point in your journey is about wearing your uniqueness like a crown and it is about dancing to the song that permeates throughout your soul. . In a world that constantly tries to shape you into something you’re not, self-expression is a bold declaration of your sovereignty.

Boundaries: Protecting the Sacred Flame

An often overlooked aspect of self-love is setting boundaries. This means recognizing and honoring your needs, limits, and values. It’s about saying no when something doesn’t resonate with you and yes to what truly matters. Boundaries are the protective circle around the sacred flame of your being, ensuring that it is not diminished or extinguished by the demands and expectations of others.

Continuous Growth: The Eternal Flame

Your ability for self belief is and self-love is a never ending journey. You are on the road of becoming. Finally, true self-love is a commitment to continuous growth and self-discovery. It’s the understanding that you are a work in progress, and that’s perfectly okay. This aspect of self-love encourages curiosity, experimentation, and learning, fueling your journey towards becoming the fullest expression of yourself.

So now in conclusion, self-love is not a destination, no no no, far from it. Instead, think of this as a new way of being. It is a lens through which you view and interact with the world.

Let the secret flame method be the inexhaustible fuel that powers your journey through life. I swear it will constantly be enabling you to navigate lifes’ ups and downs, sideways, longways straightways with grace, resilience, and joy.

Really, with no over emphasis here, when you love yourself truly and deeply, you unlock an inexhaustible source of energy, creativity, and compassion. You become a beacon of light, not just for yourself, but for those around you.

So, dare to love yourself fiercely and unconditionally. In doing so, you embark on the most profound and transformative adventure of your life. Remember, in the grand tapestry of existence, you are not just a thread

but a vibrant color that adds depth, beauty, and meaning to the whole. Shine on, dear traveler, for the world awaits the unique light that only you can bring.


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Picture of David Ex Machina

David Ex Machina


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